I have a schema declared as:
JobSchema = new SimpleSchema({
responsibilities: {
type: [String],
optional: true
'responsibilities.$': {
min: 2,
autoform: {
afFieldInput: {
class: 'form-control'
placeholder: 'E.g. "Build tools according to specifications"'
Also I have an UI helper declared as:
Template.registerHelper('currentFieldValue', function (fieldName) {
return AutoForm.getFieldValue('insertJobForm', fieldName) || '';
I have a template where I used this helper to generate a form preview. It works like charm for all fields except the array ones. Nothing is being rendered. Any ideas?
{{# if currentFieldValue "responsibilities"}}
{{{currentFieldValue "responsibilities"}}}
A quick and dirty workaround:
responsibilities: function() {
var formData = AutoForm.getFormValues('insertJobForm');
return formData.insertDoc.responsibilities || [];
{{# if responsibilities}}