So i have this situation with images. In one of app stages i get all user photos from his photo library. I get them as ALAsset's
. I let him choose photo he wants. Then i save his chosen photo to applications directory as full size photo with HIGH_ prefix and a thumbnail of a photo with LOW_ prefix. I need this because photos have some properties like time etc. I save those properties to SQL database with a field of photo name that begins with HIGH_ or LOW_. When i need to get photos i get properties from db and then do [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:photoPath]
. Can someone tell me how to do it more efficient because writing and getting photos like this takes some time. And on iPhone 4 i sometimes even get memory warnings. AND another question would be, how should i save photos fetched from web?
I stand corrected, instead of using core data, Apple writes,
It is better, however, if you are able to store BLOBs as resources on the filesystem, and to maintain links (such as URLs or paths) to those resources. You can then load a BLOB as and when necessary.
So you are doing it correctly, but maybe you should check out transformables. Just make sure you remove images you aren't using from memory if you are getting warnings
From documentation: Under the section 'Large Data Objects (BLOBs)"
Another way to do it with a transformable: Which way to store data(image)? NSData, String or Transformable
In fact, perhaps transformables are for core data at least: How should I store UIImages within my Core Data database?