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Python installation of setup tools gives syntax error

I get this error when I type in the terminal python

Admins-MBP:PlugIns christoph$ python
File "", line 1
Python 3.3.0 (v3.3.0:bd8afb90ebf2, Sep 29 2012, 01:25:11) 
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

What happened so far?

  1. I downloaded the recommend Tcl/tk (ActiveTcl 8.5) and installed it.
  2. I downloaded the .dmg of the Python 3.3 from the python site.
  3. I installed xCode (for the GCC compiler - don't know weather that is of interest).
  4. I went to this site and copied the code, opened my python 3.3 IDLE, pasted it into it and saved a file named
  5. I opened my terminal, changed with cd to the folder where my file is located.
  6. I tried to install this file with python which prompts me the erromessage above.

The reason why I want to install easy_install is to install pip in the following. It seems easier to install pip with easy install since I cannot install pip with python neither. I want to set that up properly.

I am working with Python 3.3 on a freshly installed version of OS X 10.10.1

*edit: Solved as in read the accepted answer. For installing it into the python3.3 folder (since I am using 3.3) change to the directory where the file is located and type into the terminal: python3.3 (or replace the 3.3 with your python version)


  • You went wrong here:

    I went to this site and copied the code, opened my python 3.3 IDLE, pasted it into it and saved a file named

    You saved a Python shell session, not the script itself. The shell session is the output produced by code you run in the shell, and the first lines of the shell include the Python version.

    Use the New File option (CMD-N) and paste the code in there, then save that.