I'm working with PHP, and I would like to create a line-break in my .txt database after every input.
Is this even possible and how?
Please help, I have tried /n
and <br>
but these won't work.
Some code:
Between these two I want a linebreak
Something like this?
fwrite($handle, $artikelnummer);
fwrite($handle, "\n");
fwrite($handle, $newData);
As Shikhar Bhardwaj pointed out, you could use PHP_EOL, instead of "\n", if you want to be completely OS platform independent...
UPDATE: If what you expect is one empty line between lines, you have to write 2 newlines...:
fwrite($handle, $artikelnummer);
fwrite($handle, PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
fwrite($handle, $newData);