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Scalding for Scala 2.11

I wrote my build.sbt like this:

name := """scala-hbase"""

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.11.2"
//scalaVersion := "2.10.4"

/* HBase dependencies */
resolvers ++= Seq(
  "Apache Repo"   at "",
  "Thrift-Repo"   at "",
  "ClouderaRepo"  at "",
  "ClouderaRcs"   at "",
  "Twitter Maven" at "",
  "MVN Repo" at "",
  "releases"      at ""

// Hbase 0.94 / Hadoop 2.5.2
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
    //"org.apache.zookeeper" % "zookeeper" % "3.4.6",
    //"org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.4.5" % "test",
    "org.apache.hadoop"     % "hadoop-core"         % "1.2.1",
    "org.apache.hbase"      % "hbase"               % "0.94.16",
    "com.twitter"    %% "scalding-args"  % "0.10.0",
    "com.twitter"    %% "scalding-core"  % "0.10.0",
    "com.twitter"    %% "scalding-date"  % "0.10.0"
// Uncomment to use Akka
//libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-actor_2.11" % "2.3.3"

But I got some unresolved dependencies
    [warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    [warn]  ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
    [warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    [warn]  :: com.twitter#scalding-args_2.11;0.10.0: not found
    [warn]  :: com.twitter#scalding-core_2.11;0.10.0: not found
    [warn]  :: com.twitter#scalding-date_2.11;0.10.0: not found
    [warn]  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
What version of scalding should i use for scala 2.11 ? Thanks


  • From google groups

    We don't compile for 2.11.0 since its super hard/impossible to have code compatible from 2.9 -> 2.11.
    We (at twitter) are still on 2.9.x for the moment so for now we can only support up to the 2.10.x scala's. Hopefully this will change over the next few months. 

    Also the current scalding version(0.12) is compatible only with scala 2.10(maven)

    As @Travis mentioned in the comment, Scalding for Scala version 2.11 is available in the scalding's develop branch(github)