I was having some problem when trying to plot two markers on the map and get the start and end coordinates. Here is the code:
function showBusFilter(){
map.on("click", function (evt) {
var counter = 1;
if(counter == 1){
var startLoc = (evt.mapPoint.x, evt.mapPoint.y);
else if(counter == 2){
var endLoc = (evt.mapPoint.x, evt.mapPoint.y);
counter = 1;
plotBusRouteByMarker(startLoc, endLoc);
I am using a counter variable to differentiate between first and second marker. So basically what I am trying to do is when the map on first click, I am getting the startLoc. Then, when the map clicked for the second time, then I get the endLoc. After getting both of them, then I pass them as parameter for the routing method.
However, with these codes, when I click on the map, it just populate the startLoc with coordinate and endLoc with undefined and execute the plotBusRouteByMarker().
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
This is because whenever you click on map the 'counter
' variable always be 1 and hence each time startLoc will be assigned.
You can instead take help of closure concept to remember the 'counter
' like below
var counter = 0;
function showBusFilter() {
map.on("click", function(evt) {//anonymous fn
counter ++ ;//now this will point to global counter and hence will not claimed by GC after fn execution
if(counter === 1) {
var startLoc = (evt.mapPoint.x, evt.mapPoint.y);
} else if(counter === 2) {
var endLoc = (evt.mapPoint.x, evt.mapPoint.y);
counter = 0;
plotBusRouteByMarker(startLoc, endLoc);