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Lua attempt to call field 'PlayFile' (a nil value)

I am trying to create an Lua addon for Garry's Mod but I keep coming across an error in my code. This is my code:

function say (Player, text, ent)
    s = "/misc/custom/"..text
    s2 = s..".mp3"
hook.Add("PlayerSay", "Say", say)

And this is the resulting error.

[saysoundtest25] lua/autorun/chatsounds.lua:4: attempt to call field 'PlayFile' (a nil value)
1. v - lua/autorun/chatsounds.lua:4
2. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:84

Any ideas?


  • User Robotboy655 on Facepunch helped me solve this! The final code:

    hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "Say", function( ply, text, team )
    BroadcastLua( 'surface.PlaySound("misc/custom/' .. text .. '.mp3")' )
    end )

    Thanks everyone for the help!