In summary: I searched MSDN and thought to create my own SetValue
but I can't find any sourcecode for it. It's not in a DLL, its like InitPropVariantFromString
, it's in a header file, but I can't find it. :( If you can please just show me htat C++ code I'll take it from there :)
Bottom stuff is to show the efforts I put on it.
This is the tiny C++ code I'm converting:
OnCreate(HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs)
IPropertyStore *pps;
HRESULT hr = SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(hwnd, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pps));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
IPropertyStore_SetValue(pps, PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, L"Contoso.Scratch");
I have translated this to:
var ppv = ctypes.voidptr_t(0);
var pps = new IID();
var HR_pps = CLSIDFromString('{886D8EEB-8CF2-4446-8D02-CDBA1DBDCF99}', pps.address());
if (!checkHRESULT(HR_pps)) { throw new Error('checkHRESULT error'); }
var hr = SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(hwnd, pps.address(), ppv.address());
if (!checkHRESULT(hr)) { throw new Error('checkHRESULT error'); }
var pszValue = ctypes.jschar.array()('Contoso.Scratch'); // PCWSTR
IPropertyStore_SetValue(pps.address(), PKEY_AppUserModel_ID, pszValue.address());
This IPropertyStore_SetValue
I converted from this C++:
HRESULT IPropertyStore_SetValue(IPropertyStore *pps, REFPROPERTYKEY pkey, PCWSTR pszValue)
HRESULT hr = InitPropVariantFromString(pszValue, &var);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = pps->SetValue(pkey, var);
return hr;
I got it to:
var struct_PROPVARIANT = ctypes.StructType('PROPVARIANT', [
{'fntud': struct_GUID}, // GUID
{'pid': ctypes.unsigned_long}, // DWORD
// comment from loomo on union :: union not supported by js-ctypes "You can always typecast pointers, at least as long as you know which type is the biggest"
// so now in my case i know that InitPropVariantFromString is looking to se the pwszVal so forget all the other crap in the union and just leave this one
{'pwszVal': new ctypes.PointerType(ctypes.jschar)} // LPWSTR
var IPropertyStore_SetValue = function(pps /** IPopertyStore pointer **/, pkey /** PROPERTYKEY **/, pszValue /** PCWSTR **/) {
var v = new struct_PROPVARIANT(); // PROPVARIANT
var rez = InitPropVariantFromString(pszValue, v.address());
if (rez) {'pps.SetValue', pps.SetValue);
pps.SetValue(pkey, v);
} else {
throw new Error('failed InitPropVariantFromString');
return true;
So this required me to write InitPropVariantFromString
which I did:
function InitPropVariantFromString(string /** PCWSTR **/, propvarPtr /** PROPVARIANT pointer **/) {
var hr = SHStrDup(string, propvarPtr.contents.pwszVal.address());
if (!checkHRESULT(hr)) {
//PropVariantInit(propvarPtr); //can skip this, it just does a memset
return true;
A SMALL ASIDE ON MY SHSTRDUP DILEMMA (not a question just showing i worked hard and through unexplainable weirdness got it to work)
So this required me to do
which I thought would take two arguments ofctypes.jschar.ptr
as it is first argument ofLPCTSTR
and second arg ofLPTSTR
.For the first argument, i was passing the PCWSTR of recall
. So when I the first arg definition set toctypes.jschar.ptr
it wouldn't work use it throws this error:expected type pointer, got ctypes.jschar.array(16).ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x2855b560"))
So I change in the defintion from
in defintion so then it worked for this argument but then threw error on second argument recall thepropvarPtr.contents.pwszVal.address()
,So then I just ended up setting both arguments of
and it worked. Don't know why but it worked. AndpropvarPtr.contents.pwszVal
is definitely getting populated, because when I console.log it it shows:"propvarPtr.contents.pwszVal" CData { contents: "C" }
.So the final
defintion looked like this:/* * HRESULT SHStrDup( * __in_ LPCTSTR pszSource, * __out_ LPTSTR *ppwsz * ); */ var SHStrDup = shlwapi.declare('SHStrDupW', ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.long, // HRESULT ctypes.voidptr_t, // LPCTSTR // should be ctypes.jschar.ptr OR ctypes.char.ptr // im trying to pass PCWSTR here, which is `ctypes.jschar.array()('blah blah').address()` ctypes.voidptr_t // LPTSTR // should be ctypes.jschar.ptr OR ctypes.char.ptr // im trying to pass address to struct_PROPVARIANT.pwszVal which is new ctypes.PointerType(ctypes.jschar) );
So now all that is passing and I end up back in IPropertyStore_SetValue
in this if:
var rez = InitPropVariantFromString(pszValue, v.address());
if (rez) {'pps.SetValue', pps.SetValue);
pps.SetValue(pkey, v);
} else {
throw new Error('failed InitPropVariantFromString');
Now rez
is true, so then it now tries pps.SetValue
and this is where it goes kaput and I can't figure out how to fix it. :(
I searched MSDN and thought to create my own SetValue
but I can't find any sourcecode for it. It's not in a DLL, its like InitPropVariantFromString
, it's in a header file, but I can't find it. :( If you can please just show me htat C++ code I'll take it from there :)
Solved, I had to use VTBL:
The order of the defintions in the Vtbl
matter big time. So make sure its correct if you want to do something with Vtbl
var IPropertyStoreVtbl = new ctypes.StructType('IPropertyStoreVtbl');
var IPropertyStore = new ctypes.StructType('IPropertyStore', [{
'lpVtbl': IPropertyStoreVtbl.ptr
this.IPropertyStorePtr = new ctypes.PointerType(IPropertyStore);
[{ //start inherit from IUnknown
'QueryInterface': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.HRESULT, [
this.REFIID, // riid
this.VOIDPTR // **ppvObject
}, {
'AddRef': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.ULONG, [
}, {
'Release': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.ULONG, [
}, { //end inherit from IUnknown //start IPropertyStore
'GetCount': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.HRESULT, [
this.DWORD.ptr // *cProps
}, {
'GetAt': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.HRESULT, [
this.DWORD, // iProp
this.PROPERTYKEY.ptr //*pkey
}, {
'GetValue': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.HRESULT, [
this.PROPVARIANT.ptr // *pv
}, {
'SetValue': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.HRESULT, [
this.REFPROPVARIANT // propvar
}, {
'Commit': ctypes.FunctionType(ctypes.stdcall_abi,
this.HRESULT, [
Then to get the IPropertyStore
of a window:
var ppsPtr = new ostypes.IPropertyStorePtr();
var hr_SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow = _dec('SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow')(cHwnd, IID_IPropertyStore.address(), ppsPtr.address());
checkHRESULT(hr_SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow, 'SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow');
var pps = ppsPtr.contents.lpVtbl.contents;
now you can use IPropertyStore :: SetValue
and IPropertyStore :: Release
but make sure to pass the ppsPtr
as first argument to them then the remaining arguments are what you would expect: var hr = pps.SetValue(ppsPtr, firstArgOf_SetValue, secondArgOf_SetValue)
adding copy paste runnable script from scratchpad. Copy and paste this:
this will do the equivalent of this XPCOM:
var win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow(null);
Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIWinTaskbar).setGroupIdForWindow(win, 'Contoso.Scratch')
Yes its long but the good thing about it is, there is no XPCOM to set RelaunchCommand
and RelaunchIconResource
etc. Thats why js-ctypes is needed.