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x86 Program Freeze [tasm]

I have this code ( having a string of length n, build another of length n-2 as it follows: sir2[i]=(sir[i]+sir[i+1]+sir[1+2])/3 ) and I can't figure out why it is freezing. there are no errors and I've been debugging for a while now, but I can't figure out if the problem is with the algorithm.

prints macro number
local  decompose, pops
    mov bx,10
    mov al, number
    mov cx,0
    decompose:  ;pushing digits to the stack
        inc cx
        mov ah,0
        div bl
        mov dl,ah   ; remainder - last digit
        add dx,48   ; to transform it in its char version
        push dx
        cmp al,0
        jnz decompose
    pops:               ; pop digits off the stack
        pop dx
        mov ah,2h
        int 21h
    loop pops
        ; pretty spacing
        mov dl,' '
        mov ah,2h
        int 21h


data segment para public 'data'
    sir db 5, 10, 12, 4, 3
    n equ $-sir
    sir2 db n-2 dup(0)
data ends

code segment para public 'code'
start proc far
    assume cs:code,ds:data
    push ds
    xor ax,ax
    push ax
    mov ax,data
    mov ds,ax

    mov si,0
    mov dx,3
    mov cx,n
    sub cx,2

    mov ah,0
    mov al,sir[si]
    add al,sir[si+1]
    add al,sir[si+2]    ;sum of 3 numbers
    div dx                  ;sir2[i]=(sir[i]+sir[i+1]+sir[1+2])/3
    mov sir2[si],al
    inc  si
    cmp si,cx
jbe l1

    mov si,0
   prints sir2[si]
    inc si
loop l2

start endp
code ends
end start

Can anyone help?


  • Change

    div dx                  ;sir2[i]=(sir[i]+sir[i+1]+sir[1+2])/3


    div dl                  ;sir2[i]=(sir[i]+sir[i+1]+sir[1+2])/3

    (see Michael's answer).

    A macro is a piece of code which is inserted "as is" at the place where the macro is called. The macro prints changes CX which you need untouched for loop l2. Rewrite the loop:

        mov si, 0
        mov di, cx
        prints sir2[si]
        inc si
        dec di
        jnz l2

    BTW: Don't forget to define a stack:

        dw  1024 dup (?)