I'm learning Scala (2.11) and the Play Framework, and i'm trying to implement a Many to Many relation between Person and Skill with Squeryl (0.9.5-7). Multiple Persons can share Skills, and a Person can have many Skills.
The Squeryl docs tell me to do this:
class PersonToSkill(val personId: Long, val skillId: Long) extends KeyedEntity[CompositeKey2[Long,Long]] {
def id = compositeKey(personId, skillId)
But the compiler tells me this:
not found: value compositeKey
[error] def id = compositeKey(personId, skillId)
[error] ^
[error] one error found
[error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed
Also, i cannot find compositeKey(fieldId, fieldId) in the docs. I have no idea where it it originates from.. I'm hoping someone can help me solve my problem, or at least explain me where to look for a solution. Thanks!
You can find compositeKey
located within org.squery.dsl.QueryDsl
You'll want to make sure you import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._
which extends QueryDsl. That should resolve the error you are receiving.