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Facebook Turn based Match making

Hello I have couple of questions about turn-based matchmaking with the facebook.

1) From FB documentation

Requests can be sent to any player that has already installed the game; the sender and recipient do not need to be friends.

So how can I send request to random recipient who is not friend of current player (I men I do not know his id) Or I have to keep players id's on my web server and then request random player id from the web server?

Reading the request. The reading documentation is not clear enough. It shows how can I read current user app request (turn request for example) and specify fields I need. But how do I can read app request form current user only for my application?

Thanks in advance.


  • Yes, you need to keep player IDs on your server, and of course only send requests to people who are using your App too.

    How to read requests is explained in the Facebook docs:

    If you scroll down to "Reading all requests":[USER ACCESS TOKEN]