Using the API, trying to get items in a specific feed returns this:
{“direction”:”ltr”,”id”:”feed/”,”title”:”Ars Technica”,”description”:”The Art of Technology”,”self”:[{"href":"\u003d1273193172856169\u0026r\u003dn\u0026xt\u003duser/-/state/\u0026n\u003d4\u0026ck\u003d1273193873\u0026client\u003diPadReader"}],”alternate”:[{"href":"","type":"text/html"}],”updated”:1273193873,”items”:[]}
They look like key/value pairs but it’s plain text with UTF8 String encoding and won’t encode into a dictionary. I’m using Objective-C and I’m not sure where to go from here. So far I’ve been able to parse the XML response for unread items, but parsing the plain-text doesn’t look feasible. What is your practice?
It looks like JSON markup. You'll want to use a JSON parser for Objective-C.