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SysTick->LOAD vs SysTick->CALIB

I am currently porting my DCF77 library (you may find the source code at GitHub) from Arduino (AVR based) to Arduino Due (ARM Cortex M3).

The library requires precise 1ms timing. An obvious candidate is the use of the systicks. Conveneniently the Arduino Due is already setup for systicks with 1 kHz.

However my (AVR) DCF77 library is capable to tune the timing once it locks to DCF77. This is done by manipulating the timer reload values like so

void isr_handler() {
    cumulated_phase_deviation += adjust_pp16m;
    // 1 / 250 / 64000 = 1 / 16 000 000
    if (cumulated_phase_deviation >= 64000) {
        cumulated_phase_deviation -= 64000;
        // cumulated drift exceeds 1 timer step (4 microseconds)
        // drop one timer step to realign
        OCR2A = 248;
    } else if (cumulated_phase_deviation <= -64000) {
        // cumulated drift exceeds 1 timer step (4 microseconds)
        // insert one timer step to realign
        cumulated_phase_deviation += 64000;
        OCR2A = 250;
    } else {
        // 249 + 1 == 250 == 250 000 / 1000 =  (16 000 000 / 64) / 1000
        OCR2A = 249;


I want to port this to the ARM processor. In the ARM information center I found the following documentation.

Configuring SysTick


To configure the SysTick you need to load the SysTick Reload Value register with the interval required between SysTick events. The timer interrupt or COUNTFLAG bit (in the SysTick Control and Status register) is activated on the transition from 1 to 0, therefore it activates every n+1 clock ticks. If a period of 100 is required 99 should be written to the SysTick Reload Value register. The SysTick Reload Value register supports values between 1 and 0x00FFFFFF.

If you want to use the SysTick to generate an event at a timed interval, for example 1ms, you can use the SysTick Calibration Value Register to scale your value for the Reload register. The SysTick Calibration Value Register is a read-only register that contains the number of pulses for a period of 10ms, in the TENMS field (bits 0 to 23). This register also has a SKEW bit (30) that is used to indicate that the calibration for 10ms in the TENMS section is not exactly 10ms due to small variations in clock frequency. Bit 31 is used to indicate if the reference clock is provided.


Unfortunately I did not find anything on how SysTick->LOAD and SysTick->CALIB are connected. That is: if I want to throttle or accelerate systicks, do I need to manipulate the LOAD or the CALIB value? And which values do I need to put into these registers?

Searching the internet did not bring up any better hints. Maybe I am searching at the wrong places. Is there anywhere a more detailed reference for these questions? Or maybe even some good examples?


  • Comparing the AtMega328 datasheet with the Cortex-M3 TRM, the standout point is that the timers work opposite ways round: on the AVR, you're loading a value into OCR2A and waiting for the timer in TCNT2 to count up to it, whereas on the M3 you load the delay value into SYST_RVR, then the system will count down from this value to 0 in SYST_CVR.

    The big difference for calibration is going to be because the comparison value is fixed at 0 and you can only adjust the reload value, you might have more latency compared to adjusting the comparison value directly (assuming the counter reload happens at the same time the interrupt is generated).

    The read-only value in SYST_CALIB (if indeed it even exists, being implementation-defined and optional), is merely for relating SYSTICK ticks to actual wallclock time - when first initialising the timer, you need to know the tick frequency in order to pick an appropriate reload value for your desired period, so having a register field that says "this many reference clock ticks happen in 10ms (possibly)" offers some possibility of calculating that at runtime in a portable fashion, rather than having to hard-code a value that might need changing for different devices.

    In this case, however, not only does having an even-more-accurate external clock to synchronise against makes this less important, but crucially, the firmware has already configured the timer for you. Thus you can assume that whatever value is in SYST_RVR represents close-enough-to-1KHz, and work from there - in fact to simply fine-tune the 1KHz period you don't even need to know what the actual value is, just do SysTick->LOAD++ or SysTick->LOAD-- if the error gets too big in either direction.

    Delving a bit deeper, the SAM3X datasheet shows that for the particular M3 implementation in that SoC, SYSTICK has a 10.5 MHz reference clock, therefore the SYST_CALIB register should give a value of 105000 ticks for 10ms. Except it doesn't, because apparently Atmel thought it would be really clever to make the unambiguously-named TENMS field give the tick count for 1ms, 10500, instead. Wonderful.