I have some stylesheets from different sources in my web project. I want to harmonize them. Some styles I need from the one, some from the other. Is there a tool or method how to systematically resolve style conflicts? I tried IE8 developer tool, and yes, it is possible to view conflicts at the level of each element. But I have many elemens, so if I do it element by element I think this takes too long. Theoretically there could be a tool that shows conflicts of two css files at design time?!? I think this would save me a lot of time.
Have you tried this Firefox extension, Dust-Me Selectors (http://www.brothercake.com/dustmeselectors/)? It makes removing redundant styles much easier.
Otherwise, I'd probably pop all the styles into one file, trying to group together similar rules, and then use Dust-Me to remove the unused ones.