Search code examples

How to use iTunes search for genres

(I made a major edit as the C# code snippets were not helping but masked the issue - hopefully it is clearer now)

I am trying to get listing of podcasts by genre from iTunes and using the API as described in the best I can.

I have no difficulties in searcing for a name and parsing / using the response in JSON e.g.the search


     "results": [{"wrapperType":"track", "kind":"podcast", "artistId":127446766,"collectionId":73330703, "trackId":73330703, "artistName":"Frances Anderton", "collectionName":"KCRW's DnA: Design & Architecture", "trackName":"KCRW's DnA: Design & Architecture", "collectionCensoredName":"KCRW's DnA: Design & Architecture", "trackCensoredName":"KCRW's DnA: Design & Architecture", "artistViewUrl":"", "collectionViewUrl":"", "feedUrl":"", "trackViewUrl":"", "artworkUrl30":"", "artworkUrl60":"", "artworkUrl100":"", "collectionPrice":0.00, "trackPrice":0.00, "trackRentalPrice":0, "collectionHdPrice":0, "trackHdPrice":0, "trackHdRentalPrice":0, "releaseDate":"2014-12-30T08:00:00Z", "collectionExplicitness":"notExplicit", "trackExplicitness":"notExplicit", "trackCount":25, "country":"USA", "currency":"USD", "primaryGenreName":"Design", "radioStationUrl":"", "artworkUrl600":"", "genreIds":["1402", "26", "1301"], "genres":["Design", "Podcasts", "Arts"]}]

But when trying to get a list of podcasts based on genre, e.g. when using genre id "1402" for trying to get list from the genre "Design" (happens with whatever id number I use, actually) using the following

I get is this

 "results": []

(I am taking the ids from here

Obviously I am doing something trivial wrong here.. :(.. Is there something missing from the API description?


  • Why not use genreId like so? It's an undocumented search parameter that I stumbled on by accident.