I added two vb files to a new vs project and I seem to be having a problem with the last line of the code below. I get an error: Operator '*' is not defined for types 'Char' and 'String'.
I don't know too much about vb so can someone explain to me whats going on in this last line and how I may fix the error? mStream is a FileStream
Public Shared Function GetCharImage(Font As Integer, c As Char) As Bitmap
If UnicodeFonts.mStream Is Nothing Then
End If
' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-statement
UnicodeFonts.mStream = UnicodeFonts.Stream(Font - 1)
UnicodeFonts.mReader = UnicodeFonts.Reader(Font - 1)
' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-expression
UnicodeFonts.mStream.Seek(CLng(c * ""), 0)
Edit ***
the line that calls the above method is this:
array(i - 1) = UnicodeFonts.GetCharImage(Font, CharType.FromString(Strings.Mid(Text, i)))
from the following method:
Public Shared Function GetStringImage(Font As Integer, Text As String) As Bitmap
' The following expression was wrapped in a checked-statement
Dim array As Bitmap() = New Bitmap(Strings.Len(Text) - 1 + 1 - 1) {}
Dim arg_19_0 As Integer = 1
Dim num As Integer = Strings.Len(Text)
Dim num2 As Integer
Dim height As Integer
For i As Integer = arg_19_0 To num
array(i - 1) = UnicodeFonts.GetCharImage(Font, CharType.FromString(Strings.Mid(Text, i)))
num2 += array(i - 1).Width
If array(i - 1).Height > height Then
height = array(i - 1).Height
End If
Dim bitmap As Bitmap = New Bitmap(num2, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim graphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)
Dim arg_8C_0 As Integer = 1
Dim num3 As Integer = Strings.Len(Text)
For j As Integer = arg_8C_0 To num3
Dim num4 As Integer
graphics.DrawImage(array(j - 1), num4, 0)
num4 += array(j - 1).Width
Dim arg_C4_0 As Integer = 1
Dim num5 As Integer = Strings.Len(Text)
For k As Integer = arg_C4_0 To num5
array(k - 1).Dispose()
Return bitmap
End Function
The code is working with a file containing fonts.
My best guess is that you're trying to find the data for a font character at a specific offset within a file, based on the character code.
You could try something like:
UnicodeFonts.mStream.Seek(CLng(c) * 4), 0)
I've chosen 4 here, on the assumption whatever you're looking for is in a table of 4-byte integers.
The change here is that I'm converting c to a number using CLng(c)
first, then multiplying this by another number, instead of a string.