Search code examples

Meteor helper function for returning the isAuthor function

I'm trying to implement something similar to TelescopeJS but a lot easier. So I just wanted to know if there's a way to check the author's Id.

What I want to do, is show the Delete button for only the author of the Article. My article has these fields in the collection:


I want the remove button to be shown only to the author of the post. So I need a helper function for it that would return a boolean. The function should follow : if the current user id is equal to the author's user id, then return true, otherwise false. Now it's a fairly easy function but I just dunno how to call the author field in my collection.

Thanks in advance!


    articles: function() {
        var search = {};
        return Articles.find(search, {
            limit: 20
    adding_interest: function() {
        return Session.get('adding_interest');
    numlikes: function() {
        return Likes.find({
            article: this._id
    likethis: function() {
        var curUserlike = Likes.findOne({
            muser: Meteor.userId(),
            article: this._id
        if (curUserlike) {
            return "You Like This";
        } else {
            return "Thumbs up!";
    updated: function() {
        return Session.get('updated');
    isAuthor: function() {
        if ( === Meteor.userId()) { // is author in doc




    numlikes: function() {
        return Likes.find({
            article: this._id

    userName: function() {
        return Meteor.user().username || Meteor.user() || Meteor.userId()
    userimage: function() {
        if (Meteor.user().services.facebook) {
            return "" + Meteor.user() + "/picture/?type=large";

    timestamp: function() {
        return new Date();
    likethis: function() {
        var curlike = Likes.findOne({
            muser: Meteor.userId(),
            article: this._id
        if (curlike) {
            return "You Like This";

Template.pinterest.rendered = function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        masonize(function() {});

    }, 1000)
    $('.search-query input').focus();



    <template name="article">   
 <div class="item">
    <div class="ui special cards">
  <div class="card">
    <div class="dimmable image">
      <div class="ui dimmer">
        <div class="content">
          <div class="center">
    {{#if currentUser}}
            <div class="ui inverted button">

                <a href="#" class="like">
                <i class="heart icon"></i> Like

  <img src="{{src}}"/>

  <script>$(' .image').dimmer({
  on: 'hover'

    <div class="content">
      <a class="header">{{name}}</a>
      <div class="meta">
        <span class="date">{{timestamp}}</span><br><a href="#">{{hashtag}}</a>
    <div class="extra content">

      {{#if currentUser}}     
            <a href="#" class="like">
            <i style="color:#564f8a;" class="heart icon"></i>

            <a class="ui purple circular label">
              {{numlikes}} likes
              <div class="ui red horizontal label">{{likethis}}</div><br>
            **{{#if isAuthor}}
              <a class="remove"><i style="color:#d95c5c;" class="remove icon">{{removeArticle}}</i></a>


      <div class="description">

     {{#if currentUser}}
    <div class="extra content">
    <div class="right floated author">
      <img class="ui avatar image" src="{{userimage}}"> {{author}}




  • Add the isAuthor field to each article with transform. Like this.

    // the articles helper
    articles: function(){
      var userId = Meteor.userId();
      return Articles.find({},{transform: function (doc ){
        doc.isAuthor = === userId; 
        return doc;