After discovering the fields of LVITEM for 64 bit in this question, there is one last thing I don't know. The documentation says that:
My question is why they are integers and not pointers? And in a 64 bit architecture, should they take 8 bytes like pointers or 4 bytes like integers?
Thank you!
So the Windows SDK says:
typedef struct tagLVITEMA
UINT mask;
int iItem;
int iSubItem;
UINT state;
UINT stateMask;
LPSTR pszText;
int cchTextMax;
int iImage;
LPARAM lParam;
#if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
int iIndent;
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501)
int iGroupId;
UINT cColumns; // tile view columns
PUINT puColumns;
#if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 // Will be unused downlevel, but sizeof(LVITEMA) must be equal to sizeof(LVITEMW)
int* piColFmt;
int iGroup; // readonly. only valid for owner data.