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How to get ksvm to predict non-scaled values after scaled training

When I run an SVM with ksvm from the kernlab package, all the outputs from the predict command on my final model are scaled. I know this is because I initiate scaled = T but I also know scaling your data is preferred in SVM modeling. How can I easily tell ksvm to return non-scaled predictions? If not, is there a way to just manipulate the predicted scaled values to raw values? Thank you, code is below:

svm1 <- ksvm(Y ~ 1
            + X1
            + X2
            , data = data_nn
            , scaled=T
            , type = "eps-svr"
            , kernel="anovadot"
            , epsilon = svm1_CV2$bestTune$epsilon
            , C = svm1_CV2$bestTune$C
            , kpar = list(sigma = svm1_CV2$bestTune$sigma
                          , degree=  svm1_CV2$bestTune$degree)  

#Analyze Results
data_nn$svm_pred <- predict(svm1)


  • From the documentation:

    argument scaled:
    A logical vector indicating the variables to be scaled. If scaled is of length 1,
    the value is recycled as many times as needed and all non-binary variables are scaled. 
    Per default, data are scaled internally (both x and y variables) to zero mean and 
    unit variance. The center and scale values are returned and used for later predictions.


    Let's see the following example:

    #make random data set
    y <- runif(100,100,1000) #the response variable takes values between 100 and 1000
    x1 <- runif(100,100,500)
    x2 <- runif(100,100,500)
    df <- data.frame(y,x1,x2)

    Typing this:

    svm1 <- ksvm( y~1+x2+x2,data=df,scaled=T,type='eps-svr',kernel='anovadot')
    > predict(svm1)
      [1,]  0.290848927
      [2,] -0.206473246
      [3,] -0.076651875
      [4,]  0.088779924
      [5,]  0.036257375
      [6,]  0.206106048
      [7,] -0.189082081
      [8,]  0.245768175
      [9,]  0.206742751
     [10,] -0.238471569
     [11,]  0.349902743
     [12,] -0.199938921

    Makes scaled predictions.

    But if you change it to the following according to the documentation from above:

    svm1 <- ksvm( y~1+x2+x2,data=df,scaled=c(F,T,T,T),type='eps-svr',kernel='anovadot')
    #I am using a logical vector here so predictions will be raw data.
    #only the intercept x1 and x2 will be scaled using the above.
    #btw scaling the intercept (number 1 in the formula), actually eliminates the intercept.
    > predict(svm1)
      [1,] 601.2630
      [2,] 599.7238
      [3,] 599.7287
      [4,] 599.9112
      [5,] 601.6950
      [6,] 599.8382
      [7,] 599.8623
      [8,] 599.7287
      [9,] 601.8496
     [10,] 599.0759
     [11,] 601.7348
     [12,] 601.7249

    As you can see this is raw data predictions.


    If you want to scale the y variable in the model you ll need to unscale the predictions yourself.

    Before the model:

    Calculate the mean and std before running the model:

    y2 <- scale(y) 
    y_mean <- attributes(y2)$'scaled:center' #the mean
    y_std <- attributes(y2)$'scaled:scale'   #the standard deviation

    Convert the predictions to raw:

    svm1 <- ksvm( y~1+x2+x2,data=df,scaled=T,type='eps-svr',kernel='anovadot')
    > predict(svm1) * y_std + y_mean
      [1,] 654.3604
      [2,] 522.3578
      [3,] 556.8159
      [4,] 600.7259
      [5,] 586.7850
      [6,] 631.8674
      [7,] 526.9739
      [8,] 642.3948
      [9,] 632.0364
     [10,] 513.8646
     [11,] 670.0349
     [12,] 524.0922
     [13,] 673.7202

    And you got raw predictions!