I found this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type but this is not a complete list. Please give any link of full media type list.
Advance Thanks
The vnd.
prefix on a MIME type is a "vendor prefix", meaning that it is not an official IETF MIME type.
is part of a faux MIME type used for database-style ContentProviders
in Android, specifically for Uri
values that map to what logically would be considered "tables" or "views" (collections of content). For example, the AOSP Contacts application has activities that will respond to a MIME type of vnd.android.cursor.dir/contact
. You can find various other uses of vnd.android
by filling that into the search field in the Android developer documentation.
Where can I find full list and description about this types?
There is none that I am aware of. Vendor-prefixed MIME types can be used or defined by anyone.