This is probably a very stupid question;
I've just been attempting to make my first Universal App in Visual Studio. Anyway, I'm attempting to make a class file which can be called from both the Phone and Store app, however, VS keeps storing this .cs file in a folder.
How can I call the class when it's in a folder?
Normally I'd just do something like:
ClassName class1 = new ClassName()
but this won't work as I don't know how to put the folder in their, if you know what I mean; I've tried
FolderName.ClassName() class1 = new FolderName.ClassName()
but to no avail.
Can someone tell me how to reference a class contained in a folder?
Edit: I've added an image. I'm trying to access a method contained in Print.cs in MainPage.xaml.cs
ANSWER: Put classes that I intend to share in the "UniApp1.Shared" folder (Duh!) :/
You have added your class into solution items. Solution items are not compiled into your project's output. Simply move the class into your project (a simple drag-n-drop should do) and it will work fine.