Apigee's push notification is documented here. http://apigee.com/docs/api-baas/content/introducing-push-notifications
I tried this with the js sdk that Apigee provides here http://apigee.com/docs/app-services/content/installing-apigee-sdk-javascript. It looks like only the client can generate a notification to itself?
But I have a scenario where I would like to push notifications to multiple clients from a nodejs job that runs once every hour. Something like this, but from the nodejs sdk not from the js sdk.
var devicePath = "devices;ql=*/notifications";
How do I do this?
As remus points out above, you can do this with the usergrid module (https://www.npmjs.com/package/usergrid).
You are basically trying to construct an API call that looks like this (sending a message by referencing a device):
https://api.usergrid.com/myorg/myapp/devices/deviceUUID/notifications?access_token= access_token_goes_here '{"payloads":{"androidDev":"Hello World!!"}}'
Or like this (sending a message by referencing a user who is connected to a device) https://api.usergrid.com/myorg/myapp/users/fred/notifications?access_token=access_token_goes_here '{"payloads":{"androidDev":"Hello World!!"}}'
You can do this with code that looks something like this:
var options = {
body:{ 'payloads':{'androidDev':'Hello World!!'} }
client.request(options, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
//error - POST failed
} else {
//data will contain raw results from API call
//success - POST worked
var options = {
body:{ 'payloads':{'androidDev':'Hello World!!'} }
client.request(options, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
//error - POST failed
} else {
//data will contain raw results from API call
//success - POST worked
Note: the second call, that posts to the users/username/notifications endpoint assumes that you have already made a connection between the user and their device (e.g. POST /users/fred/devices/deviceUUID).