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How to access a Rails controller view context from outside of a controller?

I am working on cleaning up some code that relies on some custom controller helper methods, by creating a "plain old Ruby" presenter object. In my controller, I am able to pass the view context to the class:

def show
  # old code: view_context.bad_helper_method
  @foobar =[:id]), view_context)

class FoobarPresenter
  def initialize(model, view_context)
    @model = model
    @view_context = view_context

  def something

However, I'm not sure what to pass in my test. I would rather pull the helper/view_context dynamically so that I don't have to pass it in.

How can I access the view/controller helper context outside of the controller?

This is a Rails 3.2 project.


  • How about testing the expectations?

    1. Test for controller (note that subject is the instance of the controller, assuming we're testing using rspec-rails):

      view_context     = double("View context")
      foobar_presenter = double("FoobarPresenter")
      allow(subject).to receive(:view_context).and_return(view_context)
      allow(FoobarPresenter).to receive(:new).with(1, view_context).and_return(foobar_presenter)
      get :show, id: 1
      expect(assigns(:foobar)).to eql(foobar_presenter)
    2. Test for presenter:

      view_context = double('View context', bad_helper_method: 'some_expected_result')
      presenter    ='Model'), view_context)
      expect(presenter.something).to eql('some_expected_result')