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How to sync data with angular-data

I have a angular project with a angular-data to work with my Restful API.

my situation is as following:

in my service I return a defineresource in my controller I use service.defineresource.findAll().then

it all works fine but here is my question. when new data is added to the server how do I update the cache or add the new data to my cache.

Please advice

code: //in service.js

    .factory('Service', function(DS) {
        name: 'items'

//in controller.js

    .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, Service) {
      Service.findAll().then(function (data) {
        $scope.items = data


my code is above fetches all the data when I load it first time, but after the initial loading it only loads from the cache. My question is there a way to sync and fetch new data without destroying the cache.


  • To force the refresh of the data from the backend you need to set bypassCache: true in the options. If you don't pass this then angular-data will load from cache. This is documented in the api documentation.

    To refresh the data every 15 minutes use $timeout with 900000 milliseconds. To have a button to refresh use a scope function that will be called from a ng-click on a button.

    .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $timeout, Service) {
        $scope.refreshData = function () {
            Service.findAll({}, { bypassCache: true }).then(function (data) {
                $scope.items = data;
        $timeout($scope.refreshData, 900000);
    <button ng-click="refreshData()">Refresh</button>