This is my code :
$cars = array(
array("Volvo" , '22,18,'),
array("BMW" , '15,13'),
array("Saab", '5,2' ),
array("Land Rover", '17,15' )
this is the output :
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Volvo [1] => 22,18, ) [1] => Array ( [0] => BMW [1] => 15,13 ) [2] => Array ( [0] => Saab [1] => 5,2 ) [3] => Array ( [0] => Land Rover [1] => 17,15 ) )
I want to dynamically push values into (for example) the string numeric values inside that multidimensional array but not overwrite the existed cell (as the same as you append to string $string .= $string.' + Extra Content';)
for example this is the original :
array("Volvo" , '22,18,'),
lets add '21,' and later lets add '27,' and later lets add '14,'
DYNAMICALLY under that specific cell.
so by the end of the day it would be :
array("Volvo" , '22,18,21,27,14,')
Is that possible ?
Sample solution with comments explaining it step by step (for PHP >= 5.5) For PHP < 5.5 you can use array_walk combination
$cars = array(
array("Volvo" , '22,18,'),
array("BMW" , '15,13'),
array("Saab", '5,2' ),
array("Land Rover", '17,15' )
$labels = array_column($cars, 0); // Get list of car manufacturers PHP>=5.5
$labels = array_map(function($element){return $element[0];}, $cars); // Get list of car manufacturers PHP 4+
$id = array_search('Volvo', $labels); // Find id of 'Volvo'
$cars[$id][1].='21,'; //append value
$cars[$id][1].='27,'; //append value
Which u can test on ideone