I've got this code to invoke a login form from my main form:
private void frmMain_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmLogin loginForm = new frmLogin();
if (loginForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
HHSConsts.userName = loginForm.textBoxUserName.Text;
HHSConsts.userName = "dbill";
HHSConsts.pwd = "ppus";
HHSConsts.currentSiteNum = "42";
Probably needless to say, I have a TextBox named textBoxUsername on the login form.
The err msg is, "'HHS.frmLogin.textBoxUsername' is inaccessible due to its protection level"
How can I make textBoxUsername "public" so that I can access it from the main form?
I guess it makes more sense to assign the values in the login form itself, and change the main form's code to:
private void frmMain_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmLogin loginForm = new frmLogin();
if (loginForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
HHSConsts.userName = "duckbilled";
HHSConsts.pwd = "platypus";
HHSConsts.currentSiteNum = "1967IceBowl";
So I can do it either way -- as in Update above, or using John Koerner's way:
// login form:
public string UserName { get { return textBoxUsername.Text; } }
public string Password { get { return textBoxPwd.Text; } }
public string SiteNumber { get { return listBoxSitesWithFetchedData.SelectedItem.ToString(); } }
// main form:
private void frmMain_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
frmLogin loginForm = new frmLogin();
if (loginForm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
HHSConsts.userName = "empacadores";
HHSConsts.pwd = "vaqueros";
HHSConsts.currentSiteNum = "2015IceBowlII";
HHSConsts.userName = loginForm.UserName;
HHSConsts.pwd = loginForm.Password;
HHSConsts.currentSiteNum = loginForm.SiteNumber;
Don't know which one is the "preferred" method, though.
Don't make the control public. Instead expose a property as part of the login form:
public string UserName {get {return textBoxUserName.Text;}}