I'm learning Json4s library.
I have a json fragment like this:
"name":"John Derp",
"address":"Jem Street 21"
"name":"Scala Jo",
"address":"in my sweet dream"
And, I have Scala code, which converts a json string into a List of Maps, like this:
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.JsonAST._
import org.json4s.native.JsonParser
val json = JsonParser.parse( """{"records":[{"name":"John Derp","address":"Jem Street 21"},{"name":"Scala Jo","address":"in my sweet dream"}]}""")
val records: List[Map[String, Any]] = for {
JObject(rec) <- json \ "records"
JField("name", JString(name)) <- rec
JField("address", JString(address)) <- rec
} yield Map("name" -> name, "address" -> address)
The output of records
to screen gives this:
List(Map(name -> John Derp, address -> Jem Street 21), Map(name -> Scala Jo, address -> in my sweet dream))
I want to understand what the lines inside the for
loop mean. For example, what is the meaning of this line:
JObject(rec) <- json \ "records"
I understand that the json \ "records"
produces a JArray
object, but why is it fetched as JObject(rec)
at left of <-
? What is the meaning of the JObject(rec)
syntax? Where does the rec
variable come from? Does JObject(rec)
mean instantiating a new JObject
class from rec
BTW, I have a Java programming background, so it would also be helpful if you can show me the Java equivalent code for the loop above.
You have the following types hierarchy:
sealed abstract class JValue {
def \(nameToFind: String): JValue = ???
def filter(p: (JValue) => Boolean): List[JValue] = ???
case class JObject(val obj: List[JField]) extends JValue
case class JField(val name: String, val value: JValue) extends JValue
case class JString(val s: String) extends JValue
case class JArray(val arr: List[JValue]) extends JValue {
override def filter(p: (JValue) => Boolean): List[JValue] =
Your JSON parser returns following object:
object JsonParser {
def parse(s: String): JValue = {
new JValue {
override def \(nameToFind: String): JValue =
JField("name", JString("John Derp")),
JField("address", JString("Jem Street 21")))),
JField("name", JString("Scala Jo")),
JField("address", JString("in my sweet dream"))))))
val json = JsonParser.parse("Your JSON")
Under the hood Scala compiler generates the following:
val res = (json \ "records")
.flatMap { x =>
x match {
case JObject(obj) => //
obj //
.withFilter(f => f match {
case JField("name", _) => true
case _ => false
}) //
.flatMap(n => obj.withFilter(f => f match {
case JField("address", _) => true
case _ => false
}).map(a => Map(
"name" -> (n.value match { case JString(name) => name }),
"address" -> (a.value match { case JString(address) => address }))))
First line JObject(rec) <- json \ "records"
is possible because JArray.filter
returns List[JValue]
(i.e. List[JObject]
). Here each value of List[JValue]
maps to JObject(rec)
with pattern matching.
Rest calls are series of flatMap and map (this is how Scala for comprehensions work) with pattern matching.
I used Scala 2.11.4.
Of course, match
expressions above are implemented using series of type checks and casts.
When you use Json4s
library there is an implicit conversion from JValue
to org.json4s.MonadicJValue
. See package object json4s
implicit def jvalue2monadic(jv: JValue) = new MonadicJValue(jv)
This conversion is used here: JObject(rec) <- json \ "records"
. First, json
is converted to MonadicJValue
, then def \("records")
is applied, then def filter
is used on the result of def \
which is JValue
, then it is again implicitly converted to MonadicJValue
, then def filter
of MonadicJValue
is used. The result of MonadicJValue.filter
is List[JValue]
. After that steps described above are performed.