Using Laravel 4.2, I am trying to queue mail messages using this code:
public function sendEmailNotices($type, $user, array $data = [])
$type = strtoupper($type);
$emails = [];
if (Config::get("emailer.$type.email_others"))
$emails = Config::get("emailer.$type.email_others");
if (Config::get("emailer.$type.email_user"))
$emails += [$user->email];
if (!empty($emails)) {
foreach ($emails as $email) {
Mail::queue('emails.' . strtolower($type), array_merge((array)$data, ['user' => $user, 'is_user' => $email == $user->email]), function ($message) use ($email, $user, $type) {
$message->to($email, $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name)->subject(Config::get("emailer.$type.subject"));
In the template I'm testing with I have:
Welcome {{ $user->first_name }} {{ $user->last_name }} [{{ $user->email }}].
This always produces the error:
Trying to get property of non-object
I thought the User object just wasn't surviving the queue, so I tried changing it to pass 'first_name' as a variable. When I did I get the error:
Undefined variable: first_name
Why is nothing making it through to the template when queued? Works just fine when I do Mail::send()
passes PHP
variables as they are.
makes use of queues, which converts all your php
variables into array notation.
Into the rabbit hole, we go:
Path : vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Mail\Mailer.php Line 163
public function queue($view, array $data, $callback, $queue = null)
$callback = $this->buildQueueCallable($callback);
return $this->queue->push('mailer@handleQueuedMessage', compact('view', 'data', 'callback'), $queue);