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Sails.js/waterline: groupBy + count

Using sails.js (0.10.5):

I can't figure out how to achieve a groupBy/count using waterline/sails. What I would like to have is something like:

SELECT customer_id, COUNT('') FROM customer_data GROUP BY customer_id;
SELECT customer_id, SUM(1) FROM customer_data GROUP BY customer_id;

I wasn't able to achieve this using count nor sum (using a constant):

Customer.find({ groupBy:['customer_id'], count: true })
Customer.find({ groupBy:['customer_id'], sum: [1] })

Both will end in an error, the first "missing calculation" and the second "SQL syntax error". I can make a grouping using sum with an existing column (sum: ['id']) but that does not get me the count.

Am I using the API wrong?


  • please use Customer.query('SELECT customer_id, SUM(1) FROM customer_data GROUP BY customer_id', function(err,results){})

    if you don't want use sql, you can like this to use Customer.find({groupBy:'customer_id'}).exec

    ref: waterline-sequel select builder function