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ng-options with a dynamic expression is not working

I'm trying to create a directive in angular, to replace the regular dropdown. I need to be able to set a dynamic expression to ng-options but doesn't seem to be working inside the directive.

It works perfectly outside it.

This is the directive


.directive('swDropdown',[  function ( ){
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        replace: true,
        template:'<div><select  ng-model="swModel" ng-options="{{expression}}"  ></div>',
        link: link,

    function link (scope, element, attrs) {
         scope.defaultText = angular.isDefined(attrs.swDefaultText)?attrs.swDefaultText:'Choose';
         scope.selected = scope.defaultText;
         scope.expression = 'item as for item in swOptions';


Controller example:

angular.module('app',['app.dropdown']).controller('Ctrl', function($scope){
        $scope.expression = 'item as for item in options';
        $scope.options = [


<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="Ctrl">
    <h1>Hello Plunker!</h1>
    Working dropdown<br/>
    <select ng-model="model" ng-options="{{expression}}"></select>
    Not working inside a directive
    <sw-dropdown  sw-model="model" sw-options="options"></sw-dropdown>

This is the example

Any clue about why it is not working?



  • This is a good question. At the end of the day, ng-options needs to have a value when <select> is being processed by Angular.

    1) You can either set it up in the "pre-link" function:

    .directive('swDropdown',[function (){
       return {
         link: {
             pre: function(scope){
                scope.expression = "item as for item in swOptions";
             post: // your normal link function

    2) Or, if you are lazy, you could just add ng-if="expression" to the template, and keep everything the same:

    .directive('swDropdown',[function (){
       return {
         template: '<div><select ng-if="expression" ng-model="swModel" ng-options="{{expression}}"></select></div>',
         link: link // this is treated as post-link
       function link(scope, element){
         // ...

    3) if your expression is truly needs to be mutable and modifyable (seems like a weird case and should probably be address with a more suitable ViewModel), then you'd need to force re-compilation:

    function link(scope, element){
       scope.changeExpression = function(newExpression){
         scope.expression = newExpression;
         // $compile should be injected into your directive's function

    Btw, just adding $compile(element)(scope); to your current link function would do the trick.