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What are the benefits of an XML data model over the DataSet model?

At my current job we have a CMS system that is .NET/SQL Server based. While customizing a couple of the modules for some internal use, I was a little surprised to see that instead of having APIs that returned data via your typical result set that was bound to a DataGrid/DataList/Repeater control, that the APIs returned an XML node/collection, that was then passed to an XSLT transformation and rendered on the page that way.

What are the benefits to using a model like this?


  • Using XSLT transformations would enable you to use a different layout and formatting than the standard .Net grid controls. Some people don't approve of using the .Net grids because they can include more HTML than necessary, and because if not managed carefully, they can bloat ViewState.

    There was a recent discussion here about the .Net grids being bloatware (but developers use them anyway).