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Delete objects with repeated keyname

I have a class on, that contains many objects. One of the keys of each object, is the name of a country. How can I programatically delete all objects with a repeated country name key. The only way I can think of is very longwinded, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

This is the best I could come up with.

var objectId = [String]()
        var Country = [String]()
        var city = [String]()
        var deletes = [String]()
        var query = PFQuery(className: "Route")
        query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock { (objects: [AnyObject]!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
            for object in objects {
                Country.append(object["Country"] as String)
                city.append(object["Start"] as String)
            var i = Int()
            for i=0; i < objectId.count; i++ {

                var j = Int()
                for j = i + 1 ; j < objectId.count; j++ {
                    if Country[i] == Country[j] {
                        var deleteQuery = PFQuery(className: "Route")
                        deleteQuery.getObjectInBackgroundWithId(objectId[j], block: { (object: PFObject!, error2: NSError!) -> Void in
                            if error2 == nil {


I'm convinced there must be a simpler way.


  • I think you could make the duplicate search a little skinnier by creating an NSMutableSet of country names. Run through the returned objects adding the country names to the set, testing membership beforehand. If a an object's country is in the set already, add it to a mutable array of of duplicates.

    The deletion part of your code can be much improved. After the set-based test fills the duplicates array, use PFObject(deleteAllInBackground:duplicates) This will replace all of the code beginning at for i=0; i < objectId.count; i++ {