TL;DR Is there a way to set a custom axis label's tick location in Swift (using core-plot lib)?
i want to set custom labels for an axis in a CPTXYGraph. I have created the label and set it to the xAxis like so:
xAxis.axisLabels = NSSet(array: customLabels)
that part is fine. What is NOT fine, is that I can't set the location or index of the label to match it up with the 'tick' on the xAxis.
in Objective C, you can set a property
but I can't find the corresponding property or any pertinent method in Swift. I can't find any class references in Swift, either. Is there a way to set the label's tick location in Swift?
there is no property called tickLocation because NSDecimal was done away with in Swift. I had to extend CPTAxisLabel and create my own method setTickLocation. Fun stuff