I can't seem to find the NuGet package for the released version of Microsoft.Owin.Security.Basic. I would expect it to be on nuget.org, but it isn't. According to the Katana project site Microsoft.Owin.Security.Basic was released with v2.0.0.0 in 2013.
Does anyone know where I can find the Microsoft.Owin.Security.Basic NuGet package or at least what happened to it?
Just in case anyone else is having the same problem, I just posted this to the Katana Project.
I got a response for the Katana Project and it looks like the basic security middleware was never released. Here is the response from the issue I opened.
That roadmap description was an out of date description of what we initially planned to ship for v2.0, not what actually shipped with the release. The Security.Basic package was never shipped because basic auth does not meet our security requirements. I've updated the roadmap description accordingly.