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SAS Macro function conditional on value of Macro Variable

I have a SAS project (EGv7.1) that allows the user to specify a value on the first line. Then, other processes are invoked based on the value specified. One of these is that some other macro variables are assigned. Below is what I have, and it does not seem to be working. I really need the let statement to be first in the sequence, but besides that I am open to changes. Any suggestions?

%let number=8;

%macro my_function();
    %if &number=8 %then 
            %let number_text=eight;
            %let number_text_2=equal to eight;
    %if &number>8 %then
            %let number_text=not eight;
            %let number_text_2=greater then eight;
    %if &number<8 %then
            %let number_text=not eight;
            %let number_text_2=less than eight;
%mend my_function;

%put =================&number==================;
%put ===========The number is &number_text.=============;
%put =======Furthermore, the number is &number_text_2.========;


  • When you use %let statements inside of a macro, the variables default to local scope. That is, they only exist inside the macro. To remedy that add a %global statement inside the macro.

    %let number = 8;
    %macro my_function();
        %global number_text number_text_2;
        %if %sysevalf(&number = 8) %then 
                %let number_text = eight;
                %let number_text_2 = equal to eight;
        %else %if %sysevalf(&number > 8) %then
                %let number_text = not eight;
                %let number_text_2 = greater than eight;
        %else %if %sysevalf(&number < 8) %then
                %let number_text = not eight;
                %let number_text_2 = less than eight;
    %mend my_function;

    This tells SAS that the macro variables number_text and number_text_2 should be accessible outside of the macro, which should fix your problem.

    I also recommend adding %else to your %ifs. This ensures that each condition is only evaluated if the one preceding it is false. Without %else, each condition is evaluated every time.

    As @DomPazz mentioned, it's a good idea to use %sysevalf() when evaluating numeric conditions.