I did a checkbox array but the options that I select are not keeping the check after submit.
Here is the table:
|id| |name|
1 Bill
2 Steve
3 Mark
4 MrYoshi
Here is the controller:
def searching
@people = Person.all
@search = Person.find(:all,:conditions=>['id IN (?)',params[:search_id] ])
Here is the view:
<% form_tag :controller=>"person",:action=>"searching" do %>
<% @people.each do |c| %>
<%= check_box_tag "search_id_#{c.id}", c.id.to_s ,params[:search_business].to_s == c.id.to_s %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "SEARCHING" %>
<% end %>
I read this information http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/FormTagHelper/check_box_tag
Here is a checkbox example working but is not using arrays values:
<%= check_box_tag "example", "2", params[:example].to_s == "2", {:multiple => true} %>
I tried this line, parameters are sending but is not keeping the checkbox selected:
<%= check_box_tag "search_id[]", c.id.to_s ,params[:search_business].to_s == c.id.to_s %>
###Parameters: { "commit"=>"SEARCHING", "search_id"=>["1","2"]
I tried this line, parameters are sending but is not keeping the checkbox selected:
<%= check_box_tag "search_id[]", c.id.to_a ,params[:search_business].to_a == c.id.to_a %>
###Parameters: { "commit"=>"SEARCHING", "search_id"=>["1","2"]
I tried this line, parameters are sending but is not keeping the checkbox selected:
<%= check_box_tag "search_id[]", c.id.to_a %>
###Parameters: { "commit"=>"SEARCHING", "search_id"=>["1","2"]
I tried this line, parameters are sending but is not keeping the checkbox selected:
<%= check_box_tag "search_id[]", c.id %>
###Parameters: { "commit"=>"SEARCHING", "search_id"=>["1","2"]
Please somebody can help me with this example?
I will really appreciate all kind of help.
For checkboxes, you should send the params through in an array. This is done by appending "[]" to the "name" attribute of the input, like you've done in some of your attempts. I would do this like so:
controller (same action called before search and by the search form)
@people = Person.all
if params[:search_ids]
@search = Person.find_all_by_id(params[:search_ids])
<% form_tag :controller=>"person",:action=>"searching" do %>
<% @people.each do |c| %>
<% checked = @search && @search.collect(&:id).include?(c.id) %>
<%= check_box_tag "search_ids[]", c.id, checked %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "SEARCHING" %>
<% end %>
EDIT - i just realised i mixed up @people (which is all people in the db) and @search which should just be the checked people.