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What is GenerateEmailConfirmationToken() doing exactly?

I have two questions concerning ASP.Identity 2.0 "GenerateEmailConfirmationToken/GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync" methods.

// Generate token
var token = Url.Encode(await UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user.Id));
  1. Is this token stored in the database? I guess it should. But in which field? I just find "PasswordHash" and "SecurityStamp" on the User table. Both don't seem to match.
  2. I was under the impression that once I generate an email token, the EmailConfirmed field of the User table would be set to false. But it stays true. So, what is the purpose of creating a token if the corresponding user account stays confirmed? Or in other words: What do I need to do in order to generate a new token AND also set the account to NOT confirmed?


  • To summarise the discussion in comments: tokens are not stored anywhere - they are crypto-generated (not exactly sure about exact process of generation) from SecruityStamp and when they are coming back, they can be de-crypted and compared.

    As for EmailConfirmed field - this is for you to maintain and look after. You'll manually need to deny login for users with no confirmed email. And you'll need to set the flag when email confirmation does come through.