I'm writing a NodeJS v0.10 application with MariaSQL.
i want to create a function that returns the id of a row, and if the row doesn't exist, to create it and then return the id.
this is what I have so far:
TuxDb.prototype.createIfNEDrinkCompany = function(drinkCompany) {
this.client.query("insert into drink_company(drink_company_name) values(:drink_company) on duplicate key update drink_company_id=drink_company_id",
{'drink_company' : drinkCompany})
.on('result',function(res) {
if (info.insertId > 0) {
return info.insertId;
} else {
this.client.query("select drink_company_id from drink_company where drink_company_name = :drink_company",{'drink_company' : drinkCompany})
return row.drink_company_id;
now the problem is that since it's asynchronous, the function ends before the value is returned.
how can I resolve this issue ?
The standard way in nodejs of dealing with async code is to provide a callback function as a last argument to your method and call it whenever your asynchronous finishes. The callback function standard signature is (err, data) - you can read more about here: Understanding callbacks in Javascript and node.js
Rewriting your code:
TuxDb.prototype.createIfNEDrinkCompany = function(drinkCompany, callback) {
this.client.query("insert into drink_company(drink_company_name) values(:drink_company) on duplicate key update drink_company_id=drink_company_id",
{'drink_company' : drinkCompany})
.on('result',function(res) {
if (info.insertId > 0) {
callback(null, row.drink_company_id);
} else {
this.client.query("select drink_company_id from drink_company where drink_company_name = :drink_company",{'drink_company' : drinkCompany})
callback(null, row.drink_company_id);
and then in the code calling your method
db.createIfNEDrinkCompany(drinkCompany, function(err, id){
// do something with id here