I have TextField that is editable. But when the user click on the Checkbox, i need to disabled the TextField and as well as to clear the value of textfield. I disabled the field but not able to clear the TextField value. So please let me know how to do this.
Note : Clear value means if the TextField have any value then it is should be blank onClick the checkbox.
Code :
${NSD_CreateText} 50u 67u 200u 12u ""
Pop $txtUsername
${NSD_SetText} $txtUsername $Text_txtUsername
${NSD_CreatePassword} 50u 80u 200u 12u ""
Pop $pwdPassword
${NSD_SetText} $pwdPassword $Text_pwdPassword
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 96u 100% 12u "&Use Windows Login (Domain account must have 'log on as a service' right.)"
Pop $chkCheckbox
${NSD_OnClick} $chkCheckbox EnDisableWindowsLoginButton
Function EnDisableWindowsLoginButton
Pop $chkCheckbox
${NSD_GetState} $chkCheckbox $sqlLogin
${If} $sqlLogin == 1
EnableWindow $txtUsername 0
EnableWindow $pwdPassword 0
EnableWindow $txtUsername 1
EnableWindow $pwdPassword 1
You can set the value of a textbox with NSD_SetText. Indeed, it looks like you're already using it to initialize those fields. Try something like this:
Function EnDisableWindowsLoginButton
Pop $chkCheckbox
${NSD_GetState} $chkCheckbox $sqlLogin
${If} $sqlLogin == 1
${NSD_SetText} $txtUsername ""
${NSD_SetText} $pwdPassword ""
EnableWindow $txtUsername 0
EnableWindow $pwdPassword 0
EnableWindow $txtUsername 1
EnableWindow $pwdPassword 1
If you don't want to loose the values entered by the user, you can StrCpy
them to some temp variables and restore them if/when user unchecks the checkbox.