This piece of script in python:
cmd = 'installer.exe --install ...' #this works fine, the ... just represent many arguments
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
This code works fine in my opinion, the problem is the value of .returncode
The installer.exe is ok, did many test to this, and now i trying to create a script in python to automate a test for many days executing this installer.exe .
The installer.exe return: - Success is 0; - Failure and errors are NEGATIVE numbers
I have a specific error that is -307 that installer.exe return. But python when execute print(process.returncode)
its shows 4294966989 ... How can i deal with negative numbers in python, to show in this case the -307?
I am new to python and the env is win7 32 and python 3.4.
EDIT: the final code working The porpose of this code is to run many simple test:
import subprocess, ctypes, datetime, time
nIndex = 0
while 1==1:
cmd = 'installer.exe --reinstall -n "THING NAME"'
process = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
now =
ret = ctypes.c_int32( process.wait() ).value
nIndex = nIndex + 1
output = str( now ) + ' - ' + str( nIndex ) + ' - ' + 'Ret: ' + str( ret ) + '\n'
f = open( 'test_result.txt', 'a+' )
f.write( output )
print( output )
Using NumPy: view the unsigned 32-bit int, 4294966989, as a signed 32-bit int:
In [39]: np.uint32(4294966989).view('int32')
Out[39]: -307