I am currently working on a game for my uni module and can't seem figure out how to solve this problem. Can someone please help me? The game is a 2D Platformer and I am trying to make the Enemy dissapear when the health of the enemy is <=0, but I get these Error messages when I try to test the game. D:\FlashDevelop\Projects\Assessment (Game Techniques)\src\Enemy.as(27): col: 16 Error: Return value must be undefined. return true; ^ D:\FlashDevelop\Projects\Assessment (Game Techniques)\src\Enemy.as(28): col: 16 Error: Return value must be undefined. return false; ^ Build halted with errors (fcsh).
this is my code for the enemy:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
* ...
* @author Umeer
public class Enemy extends MovieClip
public var health:int = 100;
public function Enemy()
this.graphics.beginFill(0xFF1100, 1);
this.graphics.drawCircle(this.x, this.y, 25);
public function CheckObj(obj:Player,bullets:Array):void
if (Math.abs(obj.x - x) < obj.width / 2 + width / 2 && Math.abs(obj.y - y) < obj.height / 2 + height / 2)
obj.health --;
for (var i:int = 0; i < bullets.length; i++)
if (Math.abs(bullets[i].x - x) < width / 2 && Math.abs(bullets[i].y - y) < height / 2)
health -= 50;
if (health <= 0)
return true;
return false;
You are using return false
in a function with defined return value as void
You should change signature of the function CheckObj
public function CheckObj(obj:Player, bullets:Array):Boolean