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Using personal SurfaceView on LinearLayout

I'm currently developing an Android App, using a personal SurfaceView and double buffering. However I'm facing a little problem with my code.
In one hand I have an xml view, based on LinearLayout hierarchy. When I instantiate my activity, I set my contentView on this xml. The problem is then that my double buffering don't works anymore. Thread is running but nothing is displayed.
In the other hand, I set my contentView with a new personal SurfaveView element and display works fine. But of course, I cannot access anymore to the other elements of my LinearLayout.

Actually, I would like to set my contentView on my xml view AND keep my display working.

I hope I was clear enough, thank you for your answers!

Here is my activity:

public class MainController extends Activity {
    protected void onCreate(final Bundle p_savedInstanceState) {

        this.drawableView = (MCustomDrawableView) findViewById(;


My surface view:

public class MCustomDrawableView extends SurfaceView {
    public MCustomDrawableView(Context p_context, AttributeSet p_attributes) {
        super(p_context, p_attributes);

        this.getHolder().addCallback(new SurfaceHolder.Callback() {
            public void surfaceCreated(final SurfaceHolder p_holder) {
                try {
                    // Instantiating a new thread
                    thread = new MBufferingThread(getInstance());


                } catch (Exception exception) {

            public void surfaceChanged(final SurfaceHolder p_holder, int p_format, int p_width, int p_height) {...}

            public void surfaceDestroyed(final SurfaceHolder p_holder) {...}

        // Setup drawing options

And my xml view:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

        style="@style/DrawingBox" />

        style="@style/SizeSeekBar" />

        style="@style/OpacitySeekBar" />


After further researches and analyses, it appears clearly that:

  • setContentView(R.layout.main_controller_activity): in this case I get all the elements from my activity, but the MCustomDrawableView display nothing.
  • setContentView(new MCustomDrawableView(getApplicationContext())): on that case, MCustomDrawableView is working well (it displays what I want), but I don't have the others View from my main_controller_activity

In both cases:

  • my thread is running and works well.
  • my drawing function is called as well, with the holder.lockCanvas() and holder.unlockCanvasAndPost(bufferCanvas) methods.


  • Well, I found a functionnal solution :

    I think the problem was coming from the MCustomDrawableView initialization . I created a new instance of that class from the onCreate method , and not from the xml file . Then, I set it to the contentView:

       protected void onCreate(Bundle p_savedInstanceState) {
            // Instantiate drawable object & set style properties
            this.drawableView = new MCustomDrawableView(getApplicationContext());
            FrameLayout.LayoutParams style = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(FrameLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,
            // Add the drawable view to the main_activity
            addContentView(this.drawableView, style);

    But this way raises a new problem. The added view is on the top, which means that all the others View are hided. I solved this with bringToBack(this.drawableView) below method:

    private void bringToBack(View p_view) {
        // Get parent from the current view
        ViewGroup viewGroup = ((ViewGroup) p_view.getParent());
        int childrenCount = viewGroup.indexOfChild(p_view);
        for(int cpt = 0; cpt < childrenCount; cpt++) {
            // Move the child to the top

    It brings back the provided view to the background position. I also had to set the LinearLayout's alpha to 0.

    I'm still open to other solutions!