for the next "A to Z" getting results. for into; 5 and the number 6, I want to add. How do I make.
for k = asc("A") to asc("Z")
response.write chr(k)
Result :
A B C .. Z
I want A B C .. Z 5 6
Such as ( k = asc("A") to asc("Z") add "5" and add"6" )
You can't really have a loop for this, just add separate commands:
for k = asc("A") to asc("Z")
response.write chr(k)
response.write "5"
response.write "6"
Another option is storing all the ASCII numbers in array then looping that array:
Dim arrLetters(), x
ReDim arrLetters(-1)
For k=Asc("A") To Asc("Z")
ReDim Preserve arrLetters(UBound(arrLetters) + 1)
arrLetters(UBound(arrLetters)) = k
ReDim Preserve arrLetters(UBound(arrLetters) + 1)
arrLetters(UBound(arrLetters)) = Asc("5")
ReDim Preserve arrLetters(UBound(arrLetters) + 1)
arrLetters(UBound(arrLetters)) = Asc("6")
For x=0 To UBound(arrLetters)
k = arrLetters(x)
response.write chr(k)
Erase arrLetters