Fitnesse download page only has option for standalone.jar and this is also what the instructions are for. Is it somehow possible to install FitNesse on a separate app server, such as Tomcat? There's not directly any war/ear to download, but can I bundle one somehow?
I'm experimenting with acceptance testing frameworks and need to run the tests on a very specific test environment, and thus require a possibility for installing on an already running app container where the tests are executed. Changes for getting even java executable from command line in this environment are slim, and if possible, the process would take probably months to realize.
I do not believe it is possible, but even if you were to get the wiki running inside an app server, a test run would still try to start a new java process (by starting the java executable) so you still need access to that executable.
But does the test environment really need to be in the app server? I usually use FitNesse to test an application from the outside: the test framework makes remote (http) calls to an application running in an app server, but it does not run in that same app server itself.