For some reason when I try to use get or put from a Solaris box to an IBM mainframe, the ftp client appears to hang.
I've tried all sorts of different variations (for example, including using quotes and not), and all I ever get is a "200 Port Request OK". But I never get the prompt back, and eventually the connection breaks.
ftp> open ibm.some_server
Connected to ibm.some_server
230 USER1 is logged on. Working directory is "USER1.".
Remote system type is MVS.
ftp> cd 'Z.TABS.'
250 "Z.TABS." is the working directory name prefix.
ftp> get 'SAMASCPY' samas.txt
200 Port request OK.
Anyone know what could be going on?
You need to enable passive mode. With Solaris 10's ftp:
ftp> passive
Passive mode on.
The FTP protocol as originally defined makes the server open a connection back to the client when a file transfer is initiated. That's what the PORT command in your question shows -- the client requested that the server connect back to its address on a specific port number. These days, with ubiquitous firewalls & NAT traversals, that rarely works.
Enabling passive mode tells the client to connect directly to the server, and fixes this issue. Most ftp clients now use passive mode by default; Solaris' does not.