I noticed when I try to use docker ( Fig mainly ) to install a new pip package, it does not actually maintain on the system. I must rebuild and install the pip package from requirements.txt
I tried running fig run web pip install django
and I see the package install, but every time I run the command it reinstalls without prompting to upgrade ( So I know the package install did not stick )
Is this just the inherit design of Docker? I'm confused why building is always necessary
You should read the documentation for Dockerfiles https://docs.docker.com/reference/builder.
You should be running
sudo fig build
with a Dockerfile that resembles
FROM centos:centos7 # or whatever
RUN yum -y install python-pip
RUN pip install bottle # or whatever
In short, modifications to the file system do not persist container runs. You need to either build a new image or use a volume.