I am developing a simple calculator that takes one line of input, parses it using parsec and then processes it.
I want to make the parsec parse-error messages smaller. They include position info which is not necessary for a one line input. I've tried using <?>
but it doesn't quite do what I want.
Trying to extract the cause of parse error didn't yield good results.
Some way to specify errors for unmatched parentheses, or just a syntax error
message would be nice.
You can get at the error messages and source position of an error using the errorMessages
, messageString
, errorPos
and sourceColumn
functions from Text.Parsec.Error
Here is an example taken from this blog post. It demonstrates the use of <?>
and using the above mentioned functions to customize error processing:
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Error
expr :: Parser Integer
expr = buildExpressionParser table factor <?> "expression"
table :: [[ Operator Char st Integer ]]
table = [
[ op "*" (*) AssocLeft, op "/" div AssocLeft ],
[ op "+" (+) AssocLeft, op "-" (-) AssocLeft ]
op s f assoc = Infix (do { string s ; return f }) assoc
factor = do { char '(' ; x <- expr ; char ')' ; return x }
<|> number
<?> "simple expression"
number :: Parser Integer
number = do { ds <- many1 digit; return (read ds) } <?> "number"
doit str =
case parse expr "blah" str of
Left e -> do let msgs = filter (not.null) $ map messageString (errorMessages e)
let col = sourceColumn (errorPos e)
putStrLn $ "error at column " ++ show col ++ ": " ++ show msgs
Right x -> putStrLn $ "ok - got: " ++ show x
main = do
doit "3+5"
doit "5-"
doit "("