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I dont know how to change ok glass phrase in google glass

I want to make glass application with offline voice recognition with no ok glass what I want to know is changing ok glass to other words ( something like "start").

I saw the source decompiled GlassHome.apk and GlassVoice.apk. I knew that setting to ok glass is related with VoiceInputHelper, voice_label_ok_glass in String.xml

so I tried to change all of string "ok glass" to "nice"(temp guard phrase) in String.xml but when I said any word (like "hahaha" or "kakaka") , all of word I said is recognized to my guard phrase ("nice") by VoiceService.

what should I do for changing "ok glass" to my guard phrase and working it right ??????? (P.S sorry my bad english. I hope you understand what question means)

here is my code ( I tried to set VoiceConfig to "nice")

public class MainActivity extends GlassActivity implements VoiceListener {

public static final String TEST_SERVICE_EXTRAS_KEY = "serviceExtras";

private ImageView gradientView;
private GuardHintAnimator guardHintAnimator;
private TextView guardPhraseView;
private boolean isRunning = false;
private final FormattingLogger logger = FormattingLoggers.getLogger(this);
private VoiceConfig onWindowFocusChangedRecoverConfig;
private VoiceConfig voiceConfig;
VoiceInputHelper voiceInputHelper;
private IVoiceMenuDialog voiceMenuDialog;
public FormattingLogger getLogger()
    return this.logger;
public boolean isRunning()
    return this.isRunning;
protected void onCreateInternal(Bundle bundle) {

    this.voiceInputHelper = new VoiceInputHelper(this, new DelegatingVoiceListener(this)
        public VoiceConfig onVoiceCommand(VoiceCommand paramAnonymousVoiceCommand)
            if ((!MainActivity.this.hasWindowFocus()) && (!MainActivity.this.isMessageShowing()))
                MainActivity.this.logger.d("Ignoring voice command because we don't have window focus.", new Object[0]);
                return null;
            //return super.onVoiceCommand(paramAnonymousVoiceCommand);
            return null;
    }, getVoiceServiceExtras());


protected void onPauseInternal()
    this.isRunning = false;
public void closeVoiceMenu()
    if (this.voiceMenuDialog != null)
        this.voiceMenuDialog = null;
public void onPrepareVoiceMenu(VoiceMenuDialog paramVoiceMenuDialog) {}

public boolean onResampledAudioData(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    return false;

protected void onResumeInternal()

    this.isRunning = true;
    VoiceConfig localVoiceConfig = new VoiceConfig();
    String[] arrayOfString = new String[1];
    arrayOfString[0] = "nice";
    localVoiceConfig = localVoiceConfig.setCustomPhrases(arrayOfString).setShouldSaveAudio(true);

public boolean isVoiceMenuShowing()
    return (this.voiceMenuDialog != null) && (this.voiceMenuDialog.isShowing());
public VoiceConfig onVoiceCommand(VoiceCommand paramVoiceCommand)
    this.logger.w("Unrecognized voice command: %s", new Object[] { paramVoiceCommand });
    return null;
protected Bundle getVoiceServiceExtras()
    Bundle localBundle = new Bundle();
/*    if (getIntent().hasExtra("serviceExtras"))
    return localBundle;

public void setVoiceConfig(VoiceConfig paramVoiceConfig)
    this.voiceConfig = paramVoiceConfig;
    if (paramVoiceConfig != null) {

public boolean shouldProvideAudioData()
    return false;
public void onVoiceConfigChanged(VoiceConfig paramVoiceConfig, boolean paramBoolean) {}


DelegatingVoiceListener :

class DelegatingVoiceListener implements VoiceListener { private final VoiceListener delegate;

DelegatingVoiceListener(VoiceListener paramVoiceListener)
    this.delegate = paramVoiceListener;

public FormattingLogger getLogger()
    return this.delegate.getLogger();

public boolean isRunning()
    return this.delegate.isRunning();

public boolean onResampledAudioData(byte[] paramArrayOfByte, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
    return this.delegate.onResampledAudioData(paramArrayOfByte, paramInt1, paramInt2);

public VoiceConfig onVoiceCommand(VoiceCommand paramVoiceCommand)
    return this.delegate.onVoiceCommand(paramVoiceCommand);

public void onVoiceConfigChanged(VoiceConfig paramVoiceConfig, boolean paramBoolean)
    this.delegate.onVoiceConfigChanged(paramVoiceConfig, paramBoolean);



  • You need to request special permissions in your manifest to implement unlisted voice commands. Go here. However, I doubt you can change the 'ok glass' voice command. You can still try if you really want to.