Ok so my setup is we have 2-3 devs setup on github, my live server is on a digital ocean droplet (believe its a VPS) and i access it via putty SSH on my windows machine.
I have tried to use linux merge tool but i am sure there is better options out there. Is there a windows application out there that can connect via SSH and allow me to resolve conflicts in a GUI application. I don't mind if i have to pay for it as long as its not too expensive i.e $10-20 a month or under $200.
I have PHP Storm and was planning to use source tree for version control as that seems pretty good from what ive seen but i couldnt find anything to suggest either could do it. If that's not possible or easy i would settle for a good tutorial that would allow me to use mergetool better.
My big pain was i had some massive files and i just wanted to concentrate on the parts, when i use '[c' hotkey it seems to bring me to every single change. There's probably a few more hotkeys that would make it much simpler but my real preference is for windows software that i can manage this in a GUI as its too easy to make a mistake in the cluncky editor.
Any fully featured git client will allow you to do a merge between branches.
Hope this helps.