I have gk5 tabs extensions joomla when the tab is active with motools insert "active" to class of li like this:
<li data-animation="default" class="gkTab gkTabs-1 active ">
<li data-animation="default" class="gkTab gkTabs-2">
i need when a tab is active insert a html tag into the li like this :
<ol class="gkTabsNav">
<li data-animation="default" class="gkTab gkTabs-1 active ">
<span class="simple"></span>
<li data-animation="default" class="gkTab gkTabs-2">
the php source of this place is :
<ol class="gkTabsNav">
<?php if($this->config['tabs_pre_text'] != '') : ?>
<li class="gkTabsPreText"><strong><?php echo $this->config['tabs_pre_text']; ?></strong></li>
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php for($i = 0; $i < count($this->tabs["title"]); $i++) : ?>
<?php $active_class = ($this->active_tab == $i + 1) ? ' active' : ''; ?>
<li<?php if($this->tabs["id"][$i] != '') echo ' id="'.($this->tabs['id'][$i]).'"'; ?> class="gkTab gkTabs-<?php echo ($i+1) . $active_class; ?>" data-animation="<?php echo $this->tabs['animation'][$i]!= '' ? $this->tabs['animation'][$i] : 'default'; ?>">
<?php if($this->config['tabs_spans'] == '1'): ?><span><?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->tabs["title"][$i]; ?>
<?php if($this->config['tabs_spans'] == '1'): ?></span><?php endif; ?>
<?php endfor; ?>
hi for this problem i insert span tag into the code:
<ol class="gkTabsNav">
<?php if($this->config['tabs_pre_text'] != '') : ?>
<li class="gkTabsPreText"><strong><?php echo $this->config['tabs_pre_text']; ?></strong></li>
<?php endif ; ?>
<?php for($i = 0; $i < count($this->tabs["title"]); $i++) : ?>
<?php $active_class = ($this->active_tab == $i + 1) ? ' active' : ''; ?>
<li<?php if($this->tabs["id"][$i] != '') echo ' id="'.($this->tabs['id'][$i]).'"'; ?> class="gkTab gkTabs-<?php echo ($i+1) . $active_class; ?>" data-animation="<?php echo $this->tabs['animation'][$i]!= '' ? $this->tabs['animation'][$i] : 'default'; ?>">
<?php if($this->config['tabs_spans'] == '1'): ?><span><?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->tabs["title"][$i]; ?>
<?php if($this->config['tabs_spans'] == '1'): ?></span><?php endif; ?>
<span class="simple"></span>
<?php endfor; ?>
than insert this css in css file:
.gkTabsWrap.horizontal ol li.active .simple {
background: url("arrow-ama.png") no-repeat scroll 0px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;
display: block !important;
height: 29px;
position: absolute;
left: -15px;
top: 0;
width: 15px;
.simple {
display: none;